Wedding Rings – Order For Women

It is the custom during the marriage ceremony for the bride and groom to exchange wedding rings; a symbol of their love and commitment to each other. Originally it was only the bride who received a wedding ring, but it has become popular for both the bride and groom to exchange wedding rings, which are sometime called ‘wedding bands’. It is believed that the tradition started with the ancient Egyptians and Greeks when a ring made of grass was given to confirm love between a man and a woman. It was during the early part of the Roman Empire that metal rings, although being quite expensive, became fashionable. With the wide choice of rings available today, the bridal couple can choose a design that reflects their individuality and style from the plain gold ring to ornate diamond ring. There several different metals and colors including: Gold, Platinum, Tungsten Carbide and Titanium.
The traditional and classical 14K gold wedding rings are considered to be the best. It has a perfect combination of precious gold and strengthening alloys, with a lustrous shine and warm color.
Platinum is a popular silver colored metal that is hard wearing and resists wear and corrosion. When it is scratched, the metal is displaced rather than lost so the volume of the metal remains the same. Platinum wedding rings contain 95% pure platinum and 5% alloy. A platinum wedding ring made of platinum and ruthenium alloy combination is the highest purity available. The name Platinum originates from the Spanish word Platina which means ‘little silver’.
Tungsten Carbide
Tungsten is a very hard and dense metal. The color of tungsten carbide is a very appealing light gray, similar to the color of steel. Tungsten is bright and reflective when polished and, when a finish is applied to a tungsten carbide wedding band, the gray is more pronounced. This provides a wonderful contrast for traditional or contemporary designs.
Titanium is a lightweight metal and is one of the upcoming trends in jewelry. Titanium rings are available in economy ranges so ideal for those who do not wish to buy a more expensive wedding ring. Titanium is white in color so gives the effect of platinum. It is worthwhile to remember that when buying a wedding ring that you should go to a reputable jeweler. If you cannot find a wedding ring of the shape and design you would like, a reputable jeweler will also be able to make a bespoke ring for you in the design and metal of your choice.