Ordering a Simple Wedding Ceremony

Planning your wedding can be complex with the wealth of available advice and inspiration. Couples planning non-secular marriages must create their ceremony, whether they like it or not. It’s time to provide a guide for those who want a simple way to make their wedding ceremony.
Ashley Lachney is the owner of Alston Mayger Event. She helps us to make a simple ceremony as easy as a wedding cake. This is the answer for couples looking for the most straightforward solution to “What should our wedding ceremony include?”
Ashley offers a highly customizable sequence of events, starting when you walk down the aisle and ending when you return as a married couple. You can move around the order, add special moments or remove things that don’t fit your style. We also have unique nonreligious ceremony reads.
Simple Order for a Wedding Ceremony
Your planner has been hired, and you’ve already heard from your aunt that she will bring “party pants” for your wedding. You have thought about every detail except how your ceremony will compare to the night’s rest. What do we wish to convey to our guests during this particular time? This checklist gives you the artistic license to let your creativity flow while providing a structure for items typically included in ceremonies.
Decide who will walk with you. This moment will include any VIP family members being escorted into the ceremony and seated. The officiant will remain at the altar after the song changes. The groom traditionally enters with his parents (or one parent), places them, and then stays at the altar. For same-sex couples, however, choose the person you want to enter first. You can still follow the simple order below!
The wedding party will then enter and split, standing furthest away from the altar. The shape will continue to grow until the attendants of honor arrive and stand closest. The ring guards will enter after the petals are thrown. Finally, it is time for the big moment – the wedding of your bride (or groom)! Your celebrant or officiant should ask everyone to stand up when the music changes.
As you approach the altar, turn around and face your partner. Remember to hold your partner’s hand!
Welcome and Introduction by the Officiant
A professional officiant will spend time getting to know you and your partner. This is why the first opening remarks are usually based on your history and story as a couple. A prayer can also be said here if desired.
To Write Your Own or Use the Old Call and Response? This choice depends on how comfortable you and your partner are with public speaking. I encourage couples to do what feels right. You can exchange your vows at other times during the day if you want to keep them private.
You should designate someone to monitor the items about 30 minutes before guests arrive. This can be the celebrant, officiant, or honor attendant (even a dog!). It would be best to tell everyone the verbal cue for the rehearsal handoff.
Unity Moment
You can include a unity moment in your ceremony, accompanied by a live or recorded song. You can signify unity by lighting a candle together, planting a joint tree, or having the celebrant or officiant perform a Hand-fasting Ceremony.
Declaration of Marriage & Kiss
The excellent stuff You and your partner will be asked to face your audience once your celebrant or officiant has finished. The officiant or celebrant will ask you to kiss your partner immediately. (Here’s how to take the best first kiss pictures). It’s finally time to celebrate and head back up the aisle!