Cozy & Intimate Coffee Shop Elopement Inspiration

What is the perfect coffee drink? Donuts. What is better than coffee? Cake and donuts. We at Bridal Musings are particularly enthusiastic regarding “the more the merrier” when it comes to desserts and can’t resist the urge to stop, gaze, and swoon on this Donut Cake in this sultry, romantic, intimate, cafe elopement photo shoot.
Beyond the obvious tasty desserts on the table, We enjoy the cozy atmosphere of this darkly lit coffee shop. We could make an excellent alternative location to host an elopement or fully-fledged wedding. The dark, moody brick walls contrast with softly colored flowers and the airy, romantic gown. Are you able to see the shimmer? The sparkling bodice makes this casual cafe-style event a little more elegant and imaginative.
The shoot, which Melody Joy Co shot, is accompanied by an incredibly adorable video featuring the violin playing of the Deep End Imagery, which highlights all the adorable details below.
From the Planner
The coffeelovelyopement photo shoot was a result of photographer Melody Joy. Melody stated that she’d love to photograph a unique bride who wanted to be married in the coffee shop. Her Instagram is famous for her gorgeous pictures of coffees, and which is why she was the ideal choice for a coffeeurtographer. I am also an ex-barista and coffee lover, and this theme seemed perfectly fitting. The numerous hot and cozy cafes inspired the style and aesthetic in the Chicago region. It’s also an original shooting style because, typically, it is the wedding planner who starts the shoot. However, I jumped on the concept and saw the shoot as a chance to bring my vision to life. It also gave me the flexibility to create signage and stationery that matched the theme.
The elopement shoot we wanted to be intimate and coFor the bit informal, elegant, and filled with beautiful features that can help, couples who are coffee lovers. The vendor team is local to Chicago. The models and vendors are acquaintances of a few of the vendors. This all made the vendors feel as if they were part of a family and a tight group of great people to collaborate with.
We advise brides to choose something distinctive to them and emphasize the uniqueness of their day, whether they’re planning a wedding or an elopement. If you are a coffee lover and you frequent cafes, consider having your wedding at a coffee shop! There are no rules, just choose what is best for you.